Much more info can be found at bashobash.com and patreon.com/moats.
Gender boxes have little relevancy
Since my sons were very young they have shown affinity for a wide range of toys, clothes, TV shows, etc. One of them in particular loves pink, hair berets, headbands, dresses and painted nails. He also loves legos and monster trucks and Star Wars. The gender boxes the world forces on us have little relevancy in our home.
No matter who they grow up to be, I want my kids to know many examples of advocacy, acceptance of self, joy, and resistance. And I want us to create those stories together as a family alongside our communities.
No matter who they grow up to be, I want my kids to know many examples of advocacy, acceptance of self, joy, and resistance. And I want us to create those stories together as a family alongside our communities.
A collaboration
Bash-O-Bash is an active collaboration between my sons and I. We've invented some of the characters together but I have refined a little here and there. (Otherwise they'd all have light sabers and monster trucks.) The three of us are in unison about making characters for kids that are "nonconforming" but not in a heavy handed way.
Consider supporting Bash-O-Bash on Patreon or by buying character art on Redbubble! As sales grow, we will be able to start creating, selling, and shipping Bash-O-Bash stuff locally, which ultimately is the goal for us.
Parents, please read the note I made just for you at the bottom.
The cast
(some, at least)

Barclay is the oldest of the bunch, as well as the shyest, most talkative, and easiest to make laugh. His best bud is Buddy James, a small black and white cat.
Rowdy is a lone(ly) wolf bus driver. He likes to boogie, drink coffee, and take good care of his student passengers. He's a dreamer.
Chat is an old black cat. As cranky as she is, she is more loving than she lets on. Most of the Bash-O-Bash characters know her as someone they can share their feelings with. She will dump out your drink. It's just something she does.
Fast Fox
Fast Fox, Fox Racer is queen of the speedway. Born a Larry, Fast Fox loves to drag race, tinker, and dress up. She is the youngest member of Bash-O-Bash and is a founding member of the local makerspace.
Oopsie Orange
Oopsie Orange hasn't finished his day if he hasn't done two things: made a mess and starched his slacks.
To Parents
The Bash-O-Bash characters reflect a range of gender identities but not sexual identities. While being gender queer is a big part of the Bash-O-Bash universe, gender identity is not confused with sexual preference or practice. Bash-O-Bash isn't an avenue to address sexuality, sexual education, and certainly not a place to be sexually risqué or political. So, are any of the characters gay? Bisexual? No. Or yes. Maybe! Not for us to say, really.
There are characters who have chosen to use personal pronouns that may not match their outward appearance. Oopsie Orange, for example, identifies as she/her/her's but presents herself in generally masculine ways, with some more feminine highlights such as lace gloves, bright pinks shoes, etc.